Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 03: Clearly we are a family now.

Day three is a challenge to post the cast of your favorite tv show. This is pretty painful for me to admit but as a family photo challenge the truth is that our tv rarely leaves Sprout. The only time you will see it off is when I break and watch TLC, HGTV, or Food Network. I do not necessarily watch these because I want to any more but because they are most likely to have appropriate things that V can be in the same room with. So with that being said our favorite family aka: V's fave cast is:

The second runner up...because I cannot stand Caillou..even though the boys can watch it all day, is!
Yes, our life is now singing along to shows like the Pajanimals :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 2

My second day challenge was a picture of you and the person you have been closest to the longest. This is 26 years in the making so hands down the easiest. My baby sister Telesa.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Honeymoon over and now onto the rest of our lives!

I find myself really itching to post photos of V. I want everyone to see the exciting things and thankfully I have a few friends and family members that can receive photo text messages. Though this still does not satisfy my need to share our little guy. With that being said things are well in our home. There are always a ton of appointments, negotiating everything in a five year old fashion and lots of school work for me. We are busy and happy all at once. I finally made the decision that staying home with V is what would be best for all of us. While I have tried to work and keep that door open it seemed best for us all that I make the decision to stay home. It hasn't been easy coming to the decision because as most of you know, I work really hard and take it much more serious then I ever should. It has always been my dream to be a stay at home mom and boy does this job require WAY more then any other thing I have attempted. 

Since I cannot post pictures of little foot I will go ahead and do a 30 day challenge that fits for our family. We are all on countdown until June when we will get to post the final picture that says we are formally done with Adoption! And then who knows....maybe another little foot for the family of three to grow ;)

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts:

1. We were married on February 28, 2009. 

2. V is our first child.

3. V will change his middle name to James after my husband.

4. We share our room with our five year old little foot and *gasp* kind of like it.

5. We have two dogs that sometimes make us feel like three children live here.

6. Our parental hopes include that we can pass along a love of sushi to V.

7. Our families (biological and chosen) are the most important parts of our lives.

8. Autism is a part of our daily lives but not the definition of those days.

9. This June will be the formal time of adoption.

10. Currently there is baby and puppy fever.