As most of you know V moved home on the 23rd. You may be wondering why I have not had a post in regards to how amazing the move home would be and how perfect it truly has been. Well, it has been those things and left me utter speechless to explain the changes in our home and lives.
Moving a child into your home that close to Christmas is incredibly joyful and a bit more stressful. We drove to get him that morning with my mom and she was exhausted and excited to meet her grandson. After stuffing and I mean stuffing our tiny little car with all his belongings we were off. The drive home that time certainly felt different then just the normal transition weekend. It was the drive that meant we are now going to be a forever family and good, bad or indifferent it was finally happening. He was lucky enough that the first day home we got to attend a Christmas party for our agency and meet some of the people that now make up our extended support and family. He even went to SANTA! I had tried on multiple weekend visits to get him near santa for a picture and it just wasn't happening. Low and behold he ran right up and even smiled for the picture. Amazing I tell you!
The note left for santa |
My mom got to stay through Christmas morning and we made Christmas Eve our holiday time with her. We made cookies with the boys and left a note for santa and then put the boys in super adorable pjs and sent them to bed. It reminded me of sleeping with my sister and being so excited for santa to come that we tried to stay up all night. Sis would jabber all night long about what we were getting and then pass out. The boys came running down the stairs. Said wow and then just wanted to play. V was excited by his gifts but really it was a bit much with the noise and moving that early in the morning. After all the presents were opened and breakfast was started we had two very happy boys. It was beyond a blessing to be a mom on that christmas morning. At one point I looked over at him playing with his new toys and became really overwhelmed and cried. It was the happiest cry of my life.
Once all of the hoopla of the holidays ended we have been trying to get into a schedule that makes sense for all of us. Matt is back to working the normal schedule and I'm down to just a couple days a week for now. We have scheduled doctor appointments, visits and school. Speaking of school....drum roll I type this little blog a certain somebunny is at school now!
We took him to his first day of pre-school this morning and he was overjoyed with going back to school. This mama had a hard time with him being gone since it feels like he just got here but when I saw how excited he was to be there it made all the difference. Tomorrow morning will be the first school bus ride and he has been talking about nothing else since yesterday.

So all and all we are doing really well. I am learning how to breathe and not worry that every moment has to be perfect and that the laundry will get done at some point. We are learning how to take the "advice" that people are giving us when they are speaking on subjects which they have no clue and just smiling. We are learning that in the end it is true that we are just a family like any other family. We may have some quirks and extra rules or events that take place, but trust me when I say that we put in our mix matched socks just like everyone else.
Oh, I have been waiting for a post on homecoming! Having adopted two children, ages 5 and 6, 3.5 years ago, I know what you mean about those giving advice who have no clue. After a while I have learned not to even talk to those who don't understand about things they don't understand, because they will never understand. Find yourself a group of people who have been through it that you can share with, who will truly "get it". Happy Holidays! - Brenda
ReplyDeleteThanks! Your right that only talking with the people who get it is the one of the best ways to keep some sanity. If we know that the conversation could hit a wall, we tend to take the road of less is more. Thank you for the holiday wishes!